Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I miss sewing.

I haven't sewn in ages. Kind of a combination of no time/no supplies/no motivation, but I hope I can get back into it over spring break.

A trip to my favorite thrift stores at home, JoAnn's, and maybe a Colette pattern might be the right way to get back into it (seriously, I've been contemplating ordering a one of her patterns for ages).


I really love the blog fieldguided right now.

Works in Progress

I've been working on a website with one of my classmates for a school project for the last few days. I'm not terribly proud of my writing (or how late I put it off until), but here it is! And I'm so glad I finally got my writing-responibilities done with (this turned into a count-the-words type assignment). There are still some blank pages, but those should be filled by tomorrow morning, and probably a butt-ton of typos, but those should go the way of the dinosaur by Thursday.

So here it is, Censorship in China, as explained in a basic iWeb site.

P.S. Spring breaks almost here! Just over a week away, and it couldn't be coming soon enough.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

What a silly way to waste time.

I've always thought Polyvore was ridiculous, but I guess that's the kind of mood I'm in today?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I don't even like Chicken Soup.

But the cold I've got right now is bad enough that I ate some for supper, along with my cough drops, sprite, and gallons of tea.

image from a quick flickr search